Trend Report: Energy Clearing


There are seasons of our lives that just have a different flavor to them. Times when things seem to be going down the wrong path, we feel stuck, or we just can’t seem to get out of our own heads. We may feel this way even more strongly in certain rooms of our home, perhaps our office or a living space that we start to want to avoid. 

In these moments, we’ve turned to energy clearing practices to help us refresh a space, usher out bad energy, and provide ourselves with a safe, open environment in which to live.

What is Energy Clearing?

Energy clearing is a practice that allows you to ritually remove negative or stifling energy from your home or workspace in order to allow positive, fresh energy to enter. This practice is original to Indigenous Americans, part of ancient traditions that span thousands of years. Today, many people have learned about this practice and have experienced its benefits for themselves. One source even likened energy clearing to a “spiritual shower”!

We like to hold an energy clearing ritual when we’re feeling like our space has no room to breathe, that there is a certain vibe in the air that feels old, stifled, uncomfortable, or even aggressive. It can also be helpful as a first step in a new home (whether it’s truly new or 100 years old), to push out any existing energy and allow yours to fill the space. This practice is not only calming, it can help you psychologically look at a home or workplace with fresh eyes and see its potential without the old energy getting in the way.


How do you clear energy?

The practice that we are most inclined toward is smudging, which is a practice that originated with Indigenous Americans as a part of their spiritual traditions, also known as the Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing. Smudging involves using either a bowl filled with herbs and resins, or a smudge stick which is essentially a portable bundle of these necessary ingredients, and burning them in your space.

Some who adhere to this practice recommend chanting a mantra as you’re clearing your space, putting an intention into the world that you’re removing negativity and allowing positivity and prosperity to enter your home. Others say that you need to move from corner to corner of the room you’re smudging, as energy tends to congregate in corners. You’ll slowly let the smoke from your smudging bowl or smudge stick permeate your home, leaving a window open to let the energy escape with the smoke. You’ll be left with a clear space, and a lovely herbal fragrance to boot.

Energy clearing is one of our favorite practices, and it’s becoming quite popular among those who believe in the power of energy. We like to smudge our homes during seasonal transitions, or anytime things are feeling a bit “off”. Have you tried this practice in your home yet? If so, what mantras do you like to use to clear your energy? We’re always open to trying something new.