Trend Report: Clean Beauty Products


Fact #1: you probably don’t recognize more than half of the ingredients in your traditional beauty products.

Fact #2: the last time a piece of legislation was passed to regulate what companies put in their beauty products was 1938.

Since then, a lot has changed when it comes to our opinions about what we put on our skin. We’re more conscious shoppers, avid ingredient investigators, and prone to long bouts of research that doesn’t always turn up the most optimistic results.

The thing is, the ingredient lists on the back of traditional beauty products are scary. They’re full of components that aren’t backed by science, and elements that may be hormone disruptors or carcinogens.

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably searching for another way, something simple and rational that can fit seamlessly into your routine. Luckily for you, we’ve found that solution and stocked it in our store. The answer to your beauty product prayers is clean beauty.

What is clean beauty?

Put simply, clean beauty is a category of skincare and makeup products that are formulated with natural or non-toxic ingredients.

Goop provides an even stronger definition of clean beauty. Their definition is as follows: “A non-toxic product that is made without a long, ever-evolving list of ingredients linked to harmful health effects from hormone disruption, to cancer, to plain-old skin irritation. To name just a few: parabens, phthalates, PEGs, ethanolamines, chemical sunscreens, synthetic fragrance, BHT, BHA.”

Products Pictured: The Sunday Standard mask, cleanser, and oils, Wax Buffalo Candle, Imogi De Pottery mini vase, and vintage tissue box, tray and towel.

Products Pictured: The Sunday Standard mask, cleanser, and oils, Wax Buffalo Candle, Imogi De Pottery mini vase, and vintage tissue box, tray and towel.

To us, clean beauty is a pillar of a conscious lifestyle. You’re already choosing cleaning products, food, and clothing based on what they’re made out of - why wouldn’t you do the same for your skin?

Why we love clean beauty products

Clean beauty isn’t just a trend, it’s a lifestyle that has you hooked once you’ve adopted it. Let us count the ways.

Natural skincare is just plain healthy. Your skin is your largest organ, and it absorbs the majority of what you put on it. Traditional skincare products do a fine job of removing dirt and oil, but they do so with chemicals that have harmful effects once they enter your bloodstream. Modern science is just beginning to understand what contact with parabens, phthalates, BPA and the like does to our bodies. Choosing natural skincare and clean beauty products that are made with recognizable ingredients often sourced from nature is the best way to ensure that you’re not putting your health in unnecessary danger. Better safe than sorry, right?


Simplicity is a luxury today. Searching and purchasing beauty products is just one routine that could use a bit of simplification. Too often, we’re bombarded by endless choices and supposedly unique selling points that don’t actually offer any value. Clean beauty products are straight to the point. When you look at them, you understand what they’re made of and what they’re supposed to do. No muss, no fuss. We’re all about going back to basics.

Finally, this wouldn’t be a Dune blog post if we didn’t call out the incredible humans who brought clean beauty to the forefront. Small businesses lead the way in clean beauty. Makers were the people who went back to the beginning, back to homemade skincare and makeup remedies that were passed down through generations, and concocted some of the genius products that are on the market today. Without these creative and conscious creators pushing us forward, we may have never looked into what the products we were using were really made of. Because of them, we can feel confident knowing that the clean beauty products we are buying aren’t harming us, and are actually helping us maintain the health and look of our skin.

Products Pictured: The Sunday Standard mask, cleanser, and oils, Wax Buffalo candle, and vintage tissue box

Products Pictured: The Sunday Standard mask, cleanser, and oils, Wax Buffalo candle, and vintage tissue box

You don’t need to jump into the world of clean beauty in order to feel better about the products you are using. Start by wading into the trend with a product here or there (may we suggest The Sunday Standard’s oils or a botanical body spray by Under Aurora?), and you’ll find that clean beauty has the power to be high-quality, luxurious, and effective, without any of the nasty ingredients that pop up in so many popular beauty brands today.