How to Stop Feeling Stir Crazy


So, you’re starting to get the itch to get out of your house, to hit the town with your friends and family, to experience the world again. We get it - we’re there too. It’s been difficult to hang out at home, just as the weather is getting warm and we’re tempted to head to our favorite restaurant to grab an outdoor table and enjoy a beverage or two in the sun. 

Here’s the thing - you and your home have the power of transformation. You’re likely stir crazy because you are doing the same things in the same spaces day after day. Without variety in your routine, you’re searching for ways to make your days feel new and meaningful. If it sounds familiar, it’s because we feel the exact same way.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve found some surefire ways to kick that stir craziness out, and embrace a mindset that focuses on the comfort of being at home. 

How to Stop Feeling Stir Crazy

Rearrange your furniture

You’re so used to the way your home is organized at the moment that you’re just not visually excited by your surroundings anymore. There’s a quick fix - rearranging your furniture. Swap your couch and your loveseat, or try switching rugs from room to room. The best part about this idea is that it’s not time consuming or permanent. It can allow you to see each room from a new perspective, and you might just end up with a new layout or styling situation that you like more than before!

Try a new craft

Everyone has been trying a new DIY project during this period of social distancing. On Instagram, we’re seeing new bakers making sourdough, creatives breaking out their watercolors, and newfound green thumbs trying their hand at gardening. It’s all for good reason - making time for something new in your routine breaks up the monotony and forces you to use a different part of your brain. 


Camp out in a different room

For many of us, this quarantine means we’re waking up at home, working at home, and going to sleep at home, moving from room to room in an almost synchronized routine at this point. To shake it up, try designating a night to get cozy and watch a movie, play a board game, or tackle a puzzle in a completely different room. If you typically hole up in your bedroom, why not turn the dining room into a place for new memories? Or, if the living room seems to be a catchall for every activity, maybe your spare room could be your one night getaway.

Make a commitment

Taking the focus off of what’s going on in your mind and placing it onto something else is oddly freeing, and can lessen that anxious feeling that’s trying to force you out of your house. Making a commitment to caring for a plant (or, if you are ready for the responsibility, adopting a furry friend) will take your mind off your “stuckness”.

It’s completely valid to feel stir crazy during this uncertain time. We’re all missing “normal life” - being able to see our friends and family and exploring our communities. We miss seeing you in the shop just as much. Though we know it’s tough, try a few of these ideas to diminish that anxious feeling until we’re through this. We’re crossing our fingers that we’ll be on the other side soon. In the meantime, keep us updated on your quarantine activities! Tag us on social media, or shoot us an email. We’d love to hear from you!

LifestyleEmma Leuman