How to Prep Your Home for Holiday Guests

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If we consider the things that holidays have in common, we find that being surrounded by loved ones - family, or chosen family - is the connecting thread. When there is a date on the calendar that is marked by a celebration, we make an effort to see those who we feel bonded to, to create memories that give our lives meaning.

Often, we gather in the homes of our friends and family, choosing these safe spaces where we can be our full selves over restaurants or corporate gathering spots. We want to feel at ease, in a place where we know we are loved, where we can get up and get a drink out of the fridge without an awkward conversation. We just want to feel at home for the holidays - even if we aren’t spending them in our own.

Just as you want to feel that sense of comfort and safety when you travel to your friends and family for the holidays, your guests want to feel welcome when they visit you in your home. While we spend much of the year creating a place where we can just live, this time of year prompts us to consider the needs of others when they stop by for an evening, or show up with a suitcase. No matter the occasion, we’re here to help.

Why it’s Meaningful to Create a Guest Experience

So you might be thinking: “My friends and family love me! They aren’t expecting anything above and beyond from me, other than a warm bed to sleep in, my company, and a roof over their heads.”

The thing is, you’re probably right. However (and it’s a big however), the point of being a great hostess is not to impress your family and friends and force them into acknowledging your exceptional hosting abilities. It’s to show them that you care about them, that they matter so much to you that you can’t help but make sure every last detail offers them a special experience.

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The largest misconception when it comes to the conversation around hosting guests for the holidays is the idea that you need to go above and beyond, spend lavish amounts of money, or scour Pinterest for clever ideas to impress and inspire. In reality, creating a meaningful experience for your holiday guests comes down to an understanding of their interests and preferences, what makes them feel comfortable and loved, and then a concerted effort to incorporate pieces of those insights into their stay.

If you’ve ever stayed in a hotel, walked into the room and found an ice bucket of champagne waiting for you with a personalized note, you understand how far an extra touch can go in creating comfort and goodwill. If you’ve ever had your favorite meal cooked for you on an anniversary, a present perfectly selected for you on your birthday, or a simple household chore completed for you just the way you like it, you know the feeling that an intentional guest experience can give to your friends and family this holiday season.

How to Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests

Preparing your home for holiday guests can sound like a monumental task, but, as we’ve said, you don’t need to go over the top to have a meaningful impact on your friends and family. All you have to do to get your home ready for holiday guests is follow your heart, and look for ways to make the experience personal.

Consider each guest’s wants and needs

Depending on who is planning to stay with you over the holidays, your approach to making it a special experience for them may change. While some guests may favor a more relaxed experience, others are going to hope for a chance for activity. Having items for both on hand - say, a face mask vs. a puzzle - shows that you have considered their unique personality, and that you’re hoping they’ll feel like your home is theirs for the duration of their stay. In addition to physical items, you’ll want to consider the intangible needs your guests will have. Temperature preferences (including layers of bedding) should be taken into account, and noise levels should be managed.

Tidy up your home and deep clean shared spaces

Before your guests arrive, you’ll want to do a cleanliness audit of your home. This isn’t the time to do a massive purge of your belongings in order to create the illusion of a perfect place, but we do recommend embarking on a bit of a tidy up. Place toys in crates, dishes back in their rightful place, and clutter in a closet or in a bin for donation if it’s unnecessary.

There are two spaces in your home that could use a deep clean before you invite anyone over: your kitchen and your bathrooms. Though you’ll likely be cooking when guests stay over, it’s better to start with a clean slate, knowing that there won’t be any stray crumbs or spills on your countertops. 

Bathrooms are just as important, as they’ll be experiencing a higher volume of traffic than normal over the holiday season. In your day to day life, one or two people may use one bathroom a few times a day. When guests arrive, that number increases very quickly, as will the amount of grime and dust. Better to start fresh.

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Create an intentional, private space for guests to sleep

Privacy is paramount for guests, and if your home is large enough to have a guest bedroom this point won’t be a problem for you. If you’re working with a smaller space, however, it’s important to designate a place where guests can go to be alone, to have a private moment. Staying in someone else’s home can be overwhelming and unfamiliar - having that one spot to escape to in order to decompress could be a saving grace for a guest. Hang up a sprig of mistletoe in the doorway or from a light fixture for a festive touch.

Create a welcome gift

Finally, putting together a small gift to welcome your guests into your home can be the special touch you need to leave a lasting impression on your guests. For a holiday touch, consider putting together a cheesecloth filled with simmering spices. Not only will it give your guest room a festive scent, it will be a warm reminder of your hospitality when they return to their own home and fire up their stovetop to use your unique gift.

5 Key Items to Have on Hand for Guests

When hosting guests for the holidays, your shopping list can be long, and it’s easy to forget the items that could make all the difference. Allow us to refresh your memory. 😊

Beverage of choice

Show your guests that you know what they love by stocking up on their favorite coffee, tea, or ingredients for their favorite cocktail. Having these pieces on hand doesn’t add a lot to your grocery total, but it could put a smile on your guests’ faces.

Warm blankets

No one wants to be the guest that has to ask for extra blankets - and you don’t want to be the host that lets their guests shiver through the night. Set out a few extra warm blankets in their room in case they need an additional layer of cozy.

Diffuser or candle

Scents have a way of bringing us back to a moment in time, so don’t forget this sensory detail when preparing your home for holiday guests! Light a candle in their room so they’re hit with a comforting scent when they arrive, or strategically place a diffuser near their bed so they fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. You could be the one to give them their best night’s sleep in years!

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Hand cream or facial mist

Winter weather brings dry air and even drier skin. Give your guests the gift of moisture by placing a thick hand cream on their nightstand, or a bottle of facial mist for a luxurious touch. They’ll be thanking you for your thoughtfulness, and you get an excuse to buy more clean beauty products - it’s a win-win!

Extra chargers

As sad as it is to say, we’re all addicted to technology. When guests come to stay with you for the holidays, they’ll need to be able to contact other friends and family - and maybe scroll through Instagram for a few minutes when they need downtime. By keeping an extra charger handy, you’ll proactively solve any low battery issues, and keep your guests happy and connected.

Hosting guests for the holidays can feel like a losing battle. On the one hand, it doesn’t feel like you need to put in all kinds of extra effort in order to make your friends and family happy. On the other, you don’t want to do anything halfway. If you follow our tips above, and simply share how much you love and appreciate the guests that spend the holiday in your home, you’re sure to make memories that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.

Home, LifestyleEmma Leuman