Holiday Self Care Tips


It’s easy to spend all year waiting for the holiday season to come around. We ache for the nostalgia of it all, the glistening lights, the feel-good movies on the Hallmark channel, the sweet treats, and meaningful moments.

When it comes around, it’s everything that we’d imagined it would be. We create so many memories, and spend time with the people who mean the most to us in this world.

But we’re exhausted.

That’s the part of the holiday season that we don’t remember throughout the year - the endless go-go-go, the late nights spent wrapping gifts or baking cookies. We hold onto the good, push aside the struggles, and don’t set aside time to take care of ourselves during the holiday season.

This year, self care needs to be a part of your holiday celebrations. After all, what could be better than celebrating you?

Here are our quick tips for holiday self care:

Schedule alone time

If you’re even a bit of an introvert the holiday season can become overwhelming very quickly. The social effort that you need to put forth this time of year is draining, and you’ll need to set aside some time just for yourself. Unfortunately, schedules can book up fast, so be proactive and schedule “alone time” in your planner. Make this a non-negotiable period of time where you can do something for yourself, alone, without a worry in the world. You’ll thank us later.


Savor your skincare routine

That period of time when you’re washing away your festive blush and glitter eyeshadow is an untapped resource for self care. Instead of hurriedly splashing your face with water and scrubbing vigorously, relax into the moment. Allow yourself to feel the muscles in your face as you massage in your rehydrating serums or apply a restorative mask. Take deep breaths and inhale the aromatherapeutic scents of your skincare routine. This is a time for you, a time away from all of the noise. Embrace it and enjoy.

Take time to reflect

During this time of year, we can be so busy making memories that we don’t have time to actually remember anything. We’re on the go, hopping from party to party, and we don’t let ourselves just soak it all in. By implementing a daily reflection practice, you can take some time to slow down and think about all of the incredible things you’ve experienced that day. The way your daughter’s face lit up when she opened her new picture book. The smell of a fresh pie being pulled from an oven. Whether you prefer journaling or meditation, this self care tip can keep you sane throughout the season.


Send handwritten thank you cards

Not all self care needs to be indulgent. It’s been proven that working with our hands helps us to stay calm and focused, and writing out thank you cards to your loved ones is a great way to get tactile while showing gratitude this holiday season. When the days feel long, sit down with a stack of unique thank you cards and write genuine messages to the people in your life. You’ll find yourself feeling much more optimistic, positive, and maybe even a little merry.

Lifestyle, GiftsEmma Leuman