Dune's Holiday Preview Open House

Come Celebrate with us as we transform Dune into a winter wonderland. Be the first to shop holiday products and gifts! Enjoy 10% off the entire shop and enter for a chance to WIN a pair of Dune's New Signature Candles + A Copy of Our New Lifestyle Journal!

Dune Gift + Home 155 W. Main St Stoughton, WI

Over the past three years of being open, we have repeatedly received this question from local customers: 

“How long have you been here?” 

When we respond by saying it has been three years, locals usually reply with something along the lines of… 

Wow! That long?? I guess I just never get downtown!”

It’s easy to reflect on this statement with a hint of frustration. Especially when you work so hard as a small business marketing to the local community, supporting local events & fundraisers, etc. etc. etc. But Stoughton, WI is definitely not the only town where local businesses are experiencing this conundrum. As a society, we can be so removed from the communities we live in. It’s sad, but can you blame us?? Corporate marketing is EVERYWHERE! American consumerism prides itself on convenience and cost-efficiency, which is easy to get caught up in. 

Why do your holiday shopping in-person, when you can shop online and use keywords to generate exactly what gifts you want?!

It definitely takes an extra effort to shop locally and it’s natural to want to do things the easy way. But it’s also natural to want to do things the conscientious way. Our goal this Holiday season is to help you gain a newfound appreciation for small business. That’s why our 2021 Holiday motto is Shop Local. Shop Meaningful. Shop Dune.

Shop local

It’s always been important to shop locally, but with supply chain issues impacting the 2021 Holiday Season, shopping locally is becoming a necessity. And although we prefer our customers to come through our doors because of choice and not necessity, we are excited to turn these circumstances into an opportunity for our customers to gain a newfound appreciation for small business. 

We hope you view shopping locally as a symbiotic relationship. Not only does it help to keep dollars in your community, but it also helps you as a consumer! For you, shopping locally is a convenient way to learn more about your community, while taking time for yourself. It’s a little self-care time away from corporate America. A world where you can stroll through the store and talk to the owner about product-specifics. A refreshing opportunity to slow down your pace, rather than focusing on how quick you can get in-and-out of Walmart. 

We hope this holiday season you can find this opportunity in Dune and many other local businesses, all while helping you gain a community you can be proud of!! 

Shop Meaningful

The purpose of the holidays is to make loved ones feel seen. At Dune, we want to make sure you find those meaningful and unique gifts your loved ones will remember. As for you, we hope Dune is an inspiration for you to build personal connections and appreciation for your purchased products you take home with you. Quality goods is something our store takes pride in. The more quality>quantity, the more we will see fair wages, low carbon footprints, stronger local economies and a myriad of more positive social benefits. 

At Dune, all of our products fall into one or more of the categories listed below:


-Eco friendly

-Small batch



-Made in USA

-Social Good

All the good stuff :)

Let's take this holiday season to rewire how we think about shopping based on our values and choosing gifts that make a positive impact for this Earth & one another.

Cire Cross