Creating A Very Hygge Fall

Look, we’re all about comfort. When we’re designing our homes, one of the major factors is how it will stand the test of a cozy night in. Does it feel lived-in enough? Does a bit of clutter add to the space or make it feel messy? Can we sink into the sofa at the end of a long day and feel at peace, content with our lives?

When we heard about the Danish concept of “hygge”, it rang with so much truth for us. This phrase (pronounced hue-guh) is the idea or the feeling of something being “extremely cozy, charming, or special” according to Finally, a word that explains that warm, fuzzy feeling we get whenever we’re bundled up next to a fire, drinking a hot cocoa, or drinking red wine by candlelight with our closest friends.

One thing that Hygge House says to remember about is that hygge is not necessarily something you can buy or even a way of that you can live. Hygge is more of a mindset, a “consciousness”, the ability to be in the present and enjoy every small detail, every second for what it is and revel in the simultaneous normalcy and extraordinariness of your life. It’s about seeing your life as art, rather than a monotonous day-to-day.

Hygge House also defines it as an “art of intimacy”, almost the translation of coziness from something physical to an attribute of a relationship or a gathering. You know that feeling that you get when you’re with the people that you love most in the world, deep in conversation, so comforted like you’re wrapped in a warm blanket? That’s hygge. 

This fall, you’ll find us in pursuit of hygge. We’re going all out to make this season the most hygge fall yet, giving us a positive outlook on the colder months that have a tendency to get dreary. Here are just a few of the things that we’re adding to our “hygge autumn” bucket list.

Hygge Autumn Bucket List

Extra special routines

You’re already likely set in your routines. You wake up at the same time each day, get ready for work or your weekend activities, eat breakfast, etc. However, when you look back on your day, to these routines make any kind of impact on your lifestyle? Do you get that hygge feeling when you’re in the midst of them?

This fall, take time to set an intention for your day. What will today look like? What are you hoping to accomplish or feel over the next 24 hours? Spending a few quiet moments to ponder what the day could bring will allow you to slow down, take stock of the possibilities, and intentionally go about your routines in a way that makes you feel comforted and capable.

One such routine that we’re a big fan of (especially when the days start getting shorter) are slow mornings. Waking up a bit earlier than usual, even though it’s dark out, to start the day at a calming pace. Instead of rushing from task to task, you can enjoy the softer moments of the day, the silence that comes before all of the hustle and bustle. Grab your journal and a mug of tea, and write out your intention or whatever comes to mind. You’ll start your day in a creative space, cementing that fulfilling and cozy feeling before you open your inbox or take on any stress.

It’s not just the A.M. that can be filled with that hygge feeling. Evenings are just as perfect for getting comfortable and winding down from the day. We’re all about a long, luxurious bath with bath milk or soothing oils, a bit of aromatherapy, and a glass of your favorite beverage. Spend some time slowly exfoliating your skin and moisturizing when you're out of the tub. Your body deserves some extra attention too! On the same note, your skincare routine can generate the hygge feeling with just a few adjustments. Instead of rushing through the steps, soak in the moment as an experience. Take your time cleansing and pampering your skin with serums or spending a few minutes in a face mask. A facial roller or gua sha stone can also be a tool to achieve that feeling of hygge.

These are a few of our favorite things...

Hygge is all about seeing your life as art - and why would you refuse yourself of some of life’s most simple joys if you get to create your own masterpiece? To us, hygge includes enjoying our favorite things, the items that make us feel warm: mind, body, and soul. 

Let’s start with things we consume. It’s called comfort food for a reason, right? This season is all about intentional meals that leave us feeling satisfied. Warm roasts that cook in the crock pot all day, roasted vegetables straight from the oven, and, maybe, even a toasted apple crisp for dessert. What truly makes it hygge? Enjoying them at the table with our families, talking through our days without technology, and engaging in the comfort of being with those we love.

Same goes for beverages. There’s just something about a warm cup of tea or coffee in the morning before the sun is up, sitting in silence or amidst the calming notes streaming from a record player (maybe Phoebe Bridgers or even Taylor Swift’s folklore?).  Hygge comes in these small moments that add up to set the tones for our lives. It’s not about purchasing anything new to get into “hygge” mode, but embracing what you already have in front of you, what you already love, and making it a part of your day in a way that slows you down and makes you contemplate the beauty of your existence.

Finally, if we’re going for that ultra-cozy vibe, we’re piling on the blankets, slipping on our fuzziest socks, and lighting a few (or way more than a few) candles in our favorite scents for a bit of ambiance. Hand us a secondhand novel and perhaps a furry friend to cuddle with (we’re dog and cat people) and we’re all set. Day or night, this is a surefire way for us to feel immediately calmed, like we’ve created the exact right life for ourselves in this moment.

Intentional moments

Hygge also goes beyond adjusting your daily routines to be more “comfy”. From time to time, adding in an intentional, special moment or activity can really seal the deal on your hygge autumn.

The first thing that comes to mind for us is baking. While spring and summer call for as many outdoor activities as possible, autumn is the beginning of the nesting season, a time when we’re making our home comfortable and welcoming as we prepare to spend more time inside. Baking is one of those activities that somehow accomplishes that aesthetic, while also providing a soothing atmosphere. Measuring out the ingredients, letting some bake in the oven and fill your house with rich, homey smells - there is nothing better than that in fall.

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Exercise can also fit into your vision of a hygge autumn. Weightlifting and HITT workouts have their place, but options like yoga or even brisk walks outdoors can feel more intentional and calming during this time of the year. Use exercise as a mental outlet, washing away stress from your thoughts while generating endorphins that will put you into that grateful, open mindset that you need to achieve a hygge feeling. Meditation can fit into this category too. Whether you pull up a pillow and sit in stillness for a few minutes or commit to a walking practice, taking this time to become more mindful and at peace with your inner thoughts is an incredible way to pursue hygge.

Finally, hygge can be shared with others - it’s not all about living that solo (but cozy!) lifestyle. We’ve been working on being more intentional with our relationships with friends and family over the last few months, and phone and video calls have been a great way to cement those bonds. Taking the initiative to call up someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and remaining open to conversation sparks that hygge feeling in us. Connection, whether you’re speaking virtually or participating in small, meaningful gatherings, is at the heart of it all in our opinion.

Hygge is so much more than the concept of coziness or comfort. It’s about seeing your life as a collection of beautiful, intentional moments. Of feeling gratitude for the small things, and cherishing the big ones. Of connecting with others and yourself on a deeper level. From a piping hot cup of coffee brewed in our favorite ceramic mug to those intimate phone calls with people we don’t see as much as we’d like, we’re making an intentional effort to embrace the possibilities of this season.

We’re on a mission to make this autumn the most hygge one yet using some of our ideas above. Are you going to join us? What will you do this year to feel your most hygge?

Cire Cross